After generating types via:
yarn exec fuels typegen -i ./abis/*-abi.json -o ./types
We can use these files like so:
import { Wallet } from "fuels";
import { MyContract__factory } from "./types";
const contractId = "0x...";
const wallet = Wallet.fromAddress("...");
const contract = MyContract__factory.connect(contractId, wallet);
// All contract methods are available under functions with the correct types
const { transactionId, value } = await contract.functions.my_fn(1).call();
console.log(transactionId, value);
After generating types via:
yarn exec fuels typegen -i ./abis/*-abi.json -o ./types --script
We can use these files like so:
import { Wallet } from "fuels";
import { MyScript__factory } from "./types";
const wallet = Wallet.fromAddress("...");
const script = ScriptAbi__factory.createInstance(wallet);
const { value, logs } = await script.functions.main(1).call();
console.log({ value, logs });
Consider the following predicate:
struct Validation {
has_account: bool,
total_complete: u64,
fn main(received: Validation) -> bool {
let expected_has_account: bool = true;
let expected_total_complete: u64 = 100;
received.has_account == expected_has_account && received.total_complete == expected_total_complete
Now, after generating types via:
yarn exec fuels typegen -i ./abis/*-abi.json -o ./types --predicate
We can use these files like so:
import { Wallet } from "fuels";
import { MyPredicate__factory } from "./types";
const wallet = Wallet.fromAddress("...");
const predicate = MyPredicate__factory.createInstance();
await predicate
has_account: true,
total_complete: 100,
.transfer(wallet.address, <amount>);
const walletBalance = await wallet.getBalance();
const predicateBalance = await predicate.getBalance();
See also:
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